Just in time for Spring Break, a fresh batch of new Looney Tunes Cartoons episodes debut today on HBO Max. The Warner Bros. Animation series stars beloved Looney Tunes characters in hilarious new shorts that bring back the classic animation’s beautifully crafted, gag-driven stories. Executive produced by Pete Browngardt (Uncle Grandpa) and Sam Register (Teen Titans Go!). The voice cast includes Eric Bauza (Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck/Tweety/Marvin the Martian), Bob Bergen (Porky Pig), Jeff Bergman (Elmer Fudd/Sylvester), Fred Tatasciore (Yosemite Sam) and Candi Milo (Granny), Michael Ruocco (Beaky Buzzard).
New Season 5 episodes launching today:
- Sylvester chases a sky-high snack. Daffy’s business feels the effects of inflation. Taz is on a cargo ship, handle with care.
- When Porky and Daffy fight, birds win. Elmer’s an outdoorsman. Bugs’ hole is a hot property.
- Yosemite Sam is big in Japan. Elmer should BEE more careful. It’s lights out for Porky and Daffy.
- Bugs’ new roommate is a BIG problem. Daffy builds a nest in Elmer’s satellite dish.
- Foghorn Leghorn must charm his future father-in-law. Daffy does a card trick. Elmer finds a scaly surprise.
- Daffy helps Elmer relax at the pool. Sylvester won’t let Porky sleep. Bugs helps Yosemite Sam put on a knife throwing show.
- Tweety drives Sylvester crazy. Daffy runs a-fowl of the law. Elmer faces a trying trial.
- Ralph Phillips’s daydreams get out of hand. Elmer falls victim to a high-tech hoax. Petunia is cooking up trouble.
- Elmer’s an artist. Daffy’s business is full of hot air. Porky adopts the wrong kitten.